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                                  A Little bit of what I do...

                                                                                                                              by LucylightbeingofLove

I use Empathy, Intuition, along with the Magical Unicorn Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, PH.D. with a little help from  Ascended Master Oracle cards by the same Author. These below are samples of what do, I read off the cards putting down what I feel I need to say.

Shine that beautiful Light from within to without, radiate, emanate, expand it into your surroundings. Have faith with your inner Light, see that Light within others also. Trust that this Divine Light knows your path and will guide you safely along it, feel the Light surround you and protect you. You are one with the Divine Light, you ARE Divine Light

The Unicorns want you to know that your mother and father Love you ever so much. whether they are here in this reality or in spirit, they want you to know that you are unconditionally Loved. The Mother Nature and Father Creator energy is in harmony with your life, you are fully balanced. I AM both the Masculine and the Feminine.

Drink plenty of fresh pure water, Eat foods that hold a lot of water in them. Water contains Light information and memory. In order for your bodies to work fully as they are designed to, make sure you drink plenty of water. You are a Light Being so for light to be held within the body you must be fully hydrated. Water is the key to enLIGHTenment.

Happiness is a magical energy that attracts pleasant experiences into your life, just like peter pan, when you think happy thoughts you start to fly. You deserve happiness, even if you are going through a dark moment at present, think of something that makes you happy, a memory, a person you love or listen you some music that makes you happy. The Unicorns shine Happiness on each and every one of you!

The Unicorns urge you to try something new. Perhaps your feeling bored, stuck or fed up with the normality of you life? Try something new or something that you have wanted to do but not felt confident with, be creative in your ideas, show the world your creativeness! It will lead you to new possibilities! You are creators of your own divinity - time to show the Universe what you really can do but most of all, be confidant in that choice.

Let go of stress! It is time to shed away any thoughts, feelings, people or situations that are not serving your highest potential. Surround yourself in Golden Light and ask the Unicorns for protection from ALL negativity. Breath deeply and slowly, as you inhale imagine Pure Love and as you exhale imagine the stress and negativity exiting from your body - feel yourself becoming lighter as you do so. Naturally you are a child of Light and are here as an expression of Love, so anything that is not of this intent needs to be shed from individual experience to enable natural state of being.

Love Heals Fear, when you feel fearful - for any reason, remember that the Unicorns Love you. You ARE Love. Love is High Vibration that transcends all fear, so when you feel fear, allow this feeling to pass; do not hold on to that feeling. Practice breathing in Love; like Pure white Light and exhaling fear; like a grey foggy cloud, feel it lift from your body as you do so and take your time. This will help the feeling pass. Emotions are ever flowing, remember that how you feel now will not be forever, it is the low tide of your expression - that's all!. Love is ALL knowing and Fear is ALL Unknowing

Curiosity drives us into new dimensions, into new understandings and awareness. We learn through our Curiosity, we find out new things about ourselves and others, what we can achieve and how far we can go. Where does that door go? How does this work? Everything you see around you began with Curiosity. If you are unsure of where your Curiosity lies, ask the Unicorns for some guidance and listen to your inner self, allow yourself time to help manifest what you need. Ask the Unicorns for signs so you know you are on the right track if you are unsure. But most of all - enjoy your journey where ever the Curiosity takes you

Worth waiting for. What you have asked the Universe for will be worth the wait! Perhaps it is a new job, new home, a family member to feel well? what ever it is; have faith, the Universe has answered your call. It will happen in the right moment. Learning the Art of Patients is key with added Faith. Keep your mind on what you want and not on what you doubt. This is the lesson you needed to learn in order for prayers to be answered. Now is the time for your prayers to be granted. Do not settle for "good enough", you deserve the best!

One step at a time. When you are wanting to achieve something start with small steps. Do not focus on the "what if's" of the future, rather focus on the now. Go with the flow and do not "will" it to happen. Everything is Divine order so it will happen when you - get there. Take some time out and go with-in and imagine the goal you seek, you can ask the Unicorns to help show you the way for the best outcome for all. Trust what has been given to you, all is well!

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